Call of Duty Black OPs III Multiplayer Gameplay | Gameplay 2016

Black Ops 3 adds a lot of new movement capabilities for players to use in competition — but that doesn’t mean sprinting around the map and running on walls is the right way to play for everyone, or even most people. In fact, in most situations, a more traditional approach to ,
multiplayer is called for: stay low, stay in cover, and try to avoid getting flanked out. Just because you

Black Ops 3  changes up multiplayer pretty significantly with “Specialists,” characters you can choose to play that replace the standard soldier characters that you could previously use and customize in earlier games. Each of the specialists is pretty similar to the others, with the exception of their special abilities, which you get to use a few times each match — some are suited to close-quarters combat, others have armor or sniping weapons, still others use explosives.

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